The NEW Gayton Village Website

All you ever wanted to know about our village of Gayton, Northamptonshire.

Gayton Alms Charities

Contact Details
David Coppock, Chair of Trustees
01604 859645

Gayton Alms Charities have been established for over 100 years. Today they are called the ‘Gayton Relief in Need Charity’ and the ‘Gayton Educational Foundation’.

Gayton Relief in Need Charity

This charity exists to provide assistance to any person living in the Parish of Gayton* who for whatever reason find themselves in need, hardship or distress. Usually this assistance is financial, with money paid directly to the successful applicant. Examples of where this charity might be able to help are with the purchase of food or clothing, heating costs, and grants to assist with funeral expenses.

Gayton Educational Foundation

This charity exists to provide assistance to people under the age of 25 years living in the Parish of Gayton* who for whatever reason find themselves in need of financial help with their education. Money may be paid directly to the successful applicant but the Trustees are able to grant money to organisations in the village of Gayton whose purpose is to educate or improve the lives of people under the age of 25 through leisure-time activities.

Examples of where this charity might be able to help are in the provision of books, equipment, computer software, IT hardware, musical instruments, travelling expenses, music or dance tuition, residential educational experiences, university fees, or anything else not normally provided and paid for by the Local Authority.

The charities receive their modest incomes from land rent and returns on investments. Trustees meet twice each year to review income and to consider applications for assistance under the terms of the scheme for administering the charities.

Any villager who feels they are eligible for help under the terms of either of the Gayton Alms Charities should contact the secretary, Barry Steer (tel. 858886) who will provide the appropriate application form. The Chair of Trustees is happy to offer general advice about an application and/or assist with the completion of an application form.

  • In exceptional cases the Trustees may give assistance to people living just outside the Parish of Gayton. These people must be able to satisfy the trustees that they ought to be treated as if they lived in the village.