Taken from the Gayton News – Spring 2020 Edition
Much has happened to our Millennium Spinney since I wrote in the December issue about how sad, overgrown and neglected it was looking. Take a walk round there and see for yourselves. I’m sure you’ll all agree it looks so much better and it’s so much easier now to walk around. What has been done since December is only the first stage of a major renovation project which was proposed to the Parish Council by John Upson. Work started in December and most of the pruning and thinning work was done by John himself. Then a series of work parties took place and all the debris was collected and burnt by an enthusiastic group of volunteers. As I write there is still more clearing up to do and once this phase has been completed, a clear path will be established around the edge, more seating will be added and a striking and informative two sided sign board will be erected at the entrance.
We should not forget how the Millennium Spinney came about. It was planted by a large group of Gaytonians on the 4th December 1999. On that cold crisp morning, 630 saplings were planted, a mixture of oak, ash, hazel and maple, plus a mixed hedge of hawthorn, blackthorn, crab apple and dogwood along the boundary fence. The idea of creating a spinney came from the people of Gayton, responding to a questionnaire from the village’s Millennium Committee, chaired by Rita Poxon, seeking ideas about how the village should celebrate and commemorate this significant milestone. The project was managed by Rod Poxon and Garry Keal, chair and deputy chair of the Parish Council. The half acre plot was donated by Peggy Hawley to Gayton Parish Council. The trees were sourced at no cost (thanks to a County Council grant), and the layout planned in minute detail.
The saplings were left to establish and in January 2010, another village working party carried out much needed pruning and thinning.
For most of the Spinney’s existence, local farmer Clive Wakelin worked tirelessly, mowing the grass and cutting the hedge. Otherwise, after the 2010 pruning, the Spinney was left to its own devices, becoming very overgrown and sadly neglected. Therefore, John’s ambitious regeneration project is very timely and should be welcomed by all.
The vision for the Millennium Spinney’s future is to make it a place for people and nature. To attract more wildlife, there will be bug hotels, bird boxes, log piles and plantings of wild flowers and spring bulbs. The centre of the Spinney will be left undisturbed to encourage possible fungi, moss and lichen. Thus transformed, the Spinney will be a peaceful haven where Gaytonians of all ages can walk, relax, restore and reconnect with nature.
Since I wrote this article a couple of weeks ago, much has changed. The whole country has been instructed to stay at home due to the Coronovirus pandemic and of course the Spinney work programme will be suspended until normality is restored.
Barry Steer